Man On The Run

by Anchor
SKU: 197216
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An avid outdoorsman and popular pastor shows men how they can pursue their passions and still maintain a balanced life.Men are notorious for immersing themselves in their pursuits. Whether it’s a favorite sport, hobby, or job, most men go “all in.” Enthusiastic guys accomplish great things and make excellent husbands, fathers, doctors, artists, teachers, and pastors. But impassioned men—what the author calls “hyper-hobbied”—often chase their pursuits to the point that they break commitments and damage relationships. The author himself has had up to thirty-four hobbies at one time. When men overextend themselves wives and children are neglected, friends are pushed aside, and churches and civic organizations experience the void of male participation.
Man on the Run helps both men and women understand why men race toward their interests with dogged intensity. It explores the importance of community and provides ideas for how wives, friends, and families can help men live passionate lives, while still focusing on the relationships that matter most. Everyone wins when men chase the right pursuits to the right extent. Man on the Run helps men accomplish this goal and motivates them to live well.

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