Loyalty: The Reach Of The Noble Heart

by Anchor
SKU: 329174
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This book sounds a bold call for loyalty to God and to God’s Davids. God’s Davids are leaders—male and female—who are safest to follow because of their singular passion for Christ. The Holy Spirit is doing something of historic proportions: He is turning the hearts of fathers to the children, and giving the children a heart of loyalty to the fathers. This re-emergence of loyalty carries catalytic power to join the body of Christ together in affectionate allegiance, which is an essential ingredient for the release of endtime apostolic anointings. Knowing the power of loyalty to produce Kingdom blessing at every level, Satan has done everything in his power to give this subject a bad reputation. But today’s generation isn’t buying it. Now, more than ever, the bride of Christ is giving her heart with intense loyalty to her Beloved and preparing eagerly for His return. Get ready, this book could rock your world.