Love And Intimacy

by Anchor
SKU: 030748
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This is straight talk and teaching. Bishop Joseph W. Walker III draws on scripture to describe five ways for men and women to give and receive the kind of love that leads to what we all want--a fulfilling committed relationship. These steps include how to be ready for a holy hookup, meeting the standard, being real, being on the same team, and living to the glory of God together.

\A long-lasting, loving, intimate relationship is a beautiful thing. I should know because I’ve been blessed with two. The day I married Dr. Diane Greer was one of the happiest days of my life... But that did not last because Diane died a few years later... This past year I married Dr. Stephaine Hale. It was a day I will never forget. God gave me the desires of my heart and proved to me that He is a restorer... I am convinced that that day began the best days of the rest of my life... Because I’ve been there, I also know that relationships take work. They don’t just happen. They are give and take propositions... But after all the fluff is brushed away, there are five basic steps in this journey of getting together and staying together.\ from the book