Longing For More

by Anchor
SKU: 345067
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Ruth Haley Barton believes that what lies underneath much of the confusion and dissatisfaction many Christian women experience in life is a longing for freedom – not the freedom to do as we please, but the freedom to discover our full identity in Christ and use our gifts to serve God.

With wisdom and charity Barton’s exhilarating book explores the many areas of a woman’s life that need the freeing touch of Christ such as vocation, relationships, spirituality, identity, sexuality, singleness, marriage and motherhood. Avoiding both feminist and fundamentalist trappings, she affirms our longings as important markers which point us toward God’s renewing love. Barton’s honesty, biblical insight, practical examples and loving encouragement combine to form a powerful, empowering book that will transform the way you live out your identity and purpose in God’s kingdom.