Living A Life Of Fire

by Anchor
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From one of the leading soul-winners of our time, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, comes this amazing life story. An absolutely captivating read, filled with powerfully moving stories about men and woman saved, delivered, and literally rescued from certain death. Every boundary you\'ve ever placed on God\'s ability to touch human lives will be swept away after reading, Living a Life of Fire!
Reinhard Bonnke is one of the most passionate, faithful and effective evangelists of our generation.
Joyce Meyer, President - Joyce Meyer Ministries
I can count on two hands the precious few men and women who live a life of great faith, and massive action. Reinhard is one of those rare individuals and I\'m blessed to know him as a friend, and work beside him in the Lord\'s Harvest. Reinhard Bonnke truly exemplifies the \'Great\' in the \'Great Commission!\' And, yes, \'All of Africa shall be saved\'!
Paul F. Crouch, President - Trinity Broadcasting Network
I\'ll never forget the first time I heard Reinhard\'s unmistakable voice declare \Africa shall be saved!\ Over the years, his unwavering passion to win souls for the Kingdom has never ceased to inspire me to connect people to Jesus, their Saviour. I love the way Salvation resonates in his spirit, whether he\'s on a platform speaking to million people or behind the scenes having a chat - Jesus is always on his lips.
Brian Houston, Senior Pastor - Hillsong Church, Sydney, Australia