Live A Praying Life Leader's Kit (Curriculum Kit) (Revised)

by Anchor
SKU: 03981X
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Packed with aids to help you teach Jennifers popular Live a Praying Life Bible study, this revised leaders kit includes 12 DVD sessions that introduce each weeks study, one member book, one journal, and one CD which includes the leaders guide, PowerPoint documents for the teaching outline and illustrations, and other helps for the Bible study leader. Live a Praying Life is a 13-week study that goes back to the biblical basics of prayer, clearing away myths about prayer to rev up a powerful, ongoing connection to God that can invigorate every aspect of a Christians life. The author tackles complex theological questions: If God is sovereign, why pray? If prayer is not a way to change Gods mind, what is it? Prayer is a way, she illustrates, for God to send His power and provision into the world through His people. The study takes a detailed look at prayers purpose, process, promise, and practice.