Legends Of Faith V 5: Christmas DVD

by Anchor
SKU: 04916X
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MARY AND JOSEPH This story shows the drama of events as they unfold to the young espoused couple, Mary and Joseph. The angel Gabriel meets Mary and explains to her what is going to happen. Later, God also speaks to Joseph in a dream. Meanwhile many miles away in Rome, Caesar Augustus proclaims a census throughout the Roman empire which has the effect of causing Mary and Joseph to return to Bethlehem, since they were both descendents of David. Of course, there is no lodging avail-able in the inn and they make do in a stable. And so in that humble place, the Savior of the world is born and they call his name: Jesus. While the scenes depicted are traditional, they are not typical, for they will seem very real to you and your young audience. SHEPHERDS The story continues now outside as the Shepherds encounter a multitude of the heavenly host who are praising God and announcing to them and to the world that the Savior is born. The Shepherds make their way to the stable in Bethlehem to find it even as the angels had told them. They depart worshipping God. WISE MEN The wonderful and joyous story of the birth takes a sad turn in this story, as not everyone is delighted at the news. The wise men from the east arrive at Jerusalem having followed the unusual star and make enquiries as to where he would be born. Herod is much perturbed at the news plots to kill the child once the birth is confirmed. This story uses on-location photography of the model of Jerusalem in Herod’s era to give a tremendous sense of authenticity to the scenes. The wise men do not re-enter Jerusalem having been warned of God in a dream. ESCAPE TO EGYPT This story is very dramatic. It depicts Mary and Joseph being warned by the angel to escape with the child to Egypt. Meanwhile, Herod sends his soldiers to destroy all the young boys in the town to be certain of killing the one born King. How-ever, Mary and Joseph are already on their way to Egypt having escaped by night.