Leaders That Conquer 2 (Study Manual)

by Anchor
SKU: 112133
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Arsenal Note: This manual uses a “fill in the blank” format. We would assume that the best use would be in a classroom with a leader, but the material can be used by an individual as well.

King Jesus International Ministry is an apostolic church that believes in the leadership potential of every man and woman. Therefore, we work hard to develop their gifts and talents to the maximum.

This manual was designed with you in mind. It is a tool that will take you on the exciting journey of discovering your leadership potential. You will learn how to serve God with your gifts as you become a powerful leader in God’s Kingdom. This is our goal: for everyone to identify themselves with their leadership potential, to believe in what God had deposited into their spirit, and to go forth and do the same for others. Remember, only a leader can develop other leaders. Therefore, let us continue to make disciples, as Jesus commanded us to do, equipped to be good leaders and to impact those around them.