King Truths

by Anchor
SKU: 180603
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This book will give me a glimpse into the family of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and help me to understand that when I align my gifts and talents with the will and purposes of God, they bring tremendous rewards, both natural and spiritual.

Alveda King is a Christian evangelist, civil rights activist, former Georgia legislator, and director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life. She has frequently appeared on Fox News, C-SPAN, CNN, The Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, and she has been featured in publications such as the Washington Times, the Conservative Pundit, Charisma News, Right Wing News, among many others.

As your tour guide on this journey of discovery, King shares stories that reveal how her famous family instilled truths in her life and taught her that the blessings that flow from using your gifts and talents can be boundless.