Kate & Ozzie

by Anchor
SKU: 099535
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The discharge papers of purser Philip Clodos Filamingo Summers have been carefully kept in a black leather folder for one hundred and fifty years. His place of birth was Jamaica. How is that connected to a Bernardo medal given to Kate Summers for good behaviour? What changes and tragedies have caused Philip Summers to send his children, one by one, into care and from there to Canada? Many in both Ireland and Britain were desperate to find enough food for their children during the middle of the nineteenth century. Follow the Martin, Hooper, Linton, Summers, Pepper, and Puckering families as they travel from the overcrowded tenements of London and towns in Devon, Kent, and Cornwall to the new world of Upper and Lower Canada. The story follows the families from the 1840s to the chance meeting of Kate and Ozzie. Years of research and collections of photos add to this genealogy in novel form.