John: The Gospel Of Light And Life

by Anchor
SKU: 096215
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The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. It includes some of the loftiest and most loved verses in all the Bible: \And the Word became flesh...,\ \or God so loved the world...,\ \You who are without sin cast the first stone...,\ \I am the resurrection and the life...,\ \I am the way, and the truth, and the life.\ The writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that his readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they \may have life in his name.\

This Lent, join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John.

Session titles:

The Word Made Flesh

The Miraculous Signs of Jesus

The \I Am\ Sayings of Jesus

The Farewell Discourse

The Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of the King

Eternal Life