How To Develop And Use The Gift Of Administration, PDF On CD, N/A, now available as an eBook 9781570522369"

by Anchor
SKU: 192856
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You are focused, motivated, and believe all things should be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). Your ministry is very important in the church, as well as in the business world. Because of your God-given gift, and the skills you have likely developed, you should be able to exercise your gift in the organizational end of any ministry setting. Find out more about the gift and the ministry of Administration in this book.

Topics include: “What Is Administration?” “Establishing Personal Goals and Priorities,” “Preparing and Implementing Effective Plans,” “Involving and Motivating Others in Ministry,” “Delegating Responsibility and Authority,” “Making the Right Decision at the Right Time,” “Finding Your Place on the Ministry Team,” “Identifying Your Giftedness in Administration.” In addition, you will find “A Two-Year Plan to Begin Thinking Like an Administrator.” Consists of seven chapters and two appendixes to help you develop and use your gift of administration.