Hot Buttons V3-Sexuality Edition

by Anchor
SKU: 222427
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Book Description
Publication Date: September 26, 2012 | Series: The Hot Button Series (Book 3)
From substance abuse to temptation, relationships to breakups, peer pressure to popularity, teens face all sorts of tough issues. How teens respond to these challenges will influence their future, possibly define their future, maybe even determine whether they have a future or not. What if parents could help their teens prepare for these hot buttons-before the issues arise?

Now they can, and in a way that\'s serious but fun, direct but nonconfrontational, and abundantly beneficial to the parentteen relationship. These two new editions in the popular Hot Buttons Series each offer creative scenarios, discussion points, and Bible verses to help parents create conversation on difficult topics.

Hot Buttons Sexuality Edition offers: the facts about teen sexuality, backed by statistics; specifics for how to talk frankly about sex with your kids, discussion about the growth of homosexuality and bisexuality among teens; and compassionate advice for guiding your teen to reclaim purity.

The Hot Buttons Series continues to be a quick-reference resource that parents can use to safeguard their children from today\'s negative influences.