Heaven Wins

by Anchor
SKU: 07169X
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The best selling Christian book of 2011 was Rob Bell’s Love Wins, a controversial treatment of soteriology, or the doctrine of salvation. In this book, Bell suggested that a loving God would not send as many people to hell as we think. Partly in response to Rob Bell, and partly to counter the exclusivist view held by many Christians—that only those who call on the name of Jesus in a particular way will be saved—Don Richardson presents a compelling case for the way God uses general revelation to bring people to a place where they are ready to respond to the special revelation of the gospel. Even more, Don shows how the vast majority of all people ever conceived will be in heaven, contrary to those who believe only a small percentage of people will be there. Heaven Wins shows how God doesn’t just win the moral victory against Satan and hell, but the quantitative victory as well.

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