He Stepped Into My Heart

by Anchor
SKU: 04918X
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Product Description
When author Sue Winget was diagnosed with a devastating case of multiple sclerosis, her busy life as a young pastor’s wife, mother of three and all-around overachiever came to a grinding halt. The diagnosis quickly led to a downward spiral, which left Sue physically and mentally exhausted.

But Jesus specializes in impossible situations. Through several spiritual visions, Sue embarks on an adventure with Jesus, straight to the depths of her heart. He Stepped Into My Heart takes an intimate look at how the heart reveals our “true” inner self—the one no one can see but God.

About the Author
Sue Winget has been a pastor’s wife for 40 years. She has 3 children and 10 grandchildren. She serves as a Christian counselor, public speaker and a prayer and Bible study leader. Sue and her husband, Gary, reside in Kansas. Her first book, Patience…Miracle in Progress was published by 1988 by Randall House.