
by Anchor
SKU: 141787
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Your path to a more loving, joy-filled marriage

In the beginning, marriage doesn\'t seem as though it should be all that difficult. But it doesn\'t take long for trouble to seep in and bad habits to become entrenched. After a while, you may be wondering when the \worse\ part ends and the \etter\ part starts.

Kevin A. Thompson has good news: the \etter\ part is always within reach when you and your spouse practice eight specific commitments to each other. These commitments lead you down the pathway to solve almost any problem your marriage faces and to prevent new ones from occurring. With biblical insights and engaging personal stories, Thompson shows you how to

· see your marriage as bigger than yourselves
· avoid both apathy and aggression
· release the desire for power
· make and maintain peace
· endure difficult times
· and more