Hand To Hold (Heart Of Middlefield)-Mass Market

by Anchor
SKU: 067287
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The pickup truck that crashed into Ruth Byler\'s Amish schoolhouse destroyed half her supplies and all her careful planning. Notoriously unreliable Zachariah Bender drove the offending truck. He\'s promised to repair the damage, which means he\'ll be around for weeks. Though Ruth would like to do things herself, she must rely on Zach\'s help if she wants to realize her dream of teaching the Amish community\'s children. Determined to prove to himself and his father that he can change his ways, Zach commits to fixing up the schoolhouse. If only Ruth Byler wasn\'t forever looking over his shoulder. And challenging his thinking. They have almost nothing in common, but Ruth and Zach are about to realize how much they need each other. And that God offers plenty of second chances in life if you\'re willing to open your eyes and hold out your hand.