Growing In Christ Sunday School: Upper Elementary-Student Pack (NT4) (#460822)
The Upper Elementary Student Pack, for grades 3 to 5, ages 8–11, includes a lesson leaflet and a Bible Discovery Guide. The colorful lesson leaflet includes realistic Bible art, the scripture reference for the Bible story, the Bible story key point, faith words, Bible words,
review activities, and weekly devotion suggestions. The Bible Discovery Guide features highly visual articles that provide historical and cultural context for each week’s Bible lesson.
The thirteen New Testament Bible stories covered in the Jesus Dies and Rises to Save Us quarter are:
Jesus and Zacchaeus
The Triumphal Entry
The Widow\'s Offering
The Lord\'s Supper
Peter Denies Jesus
The Passion of Christ
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Empty Tomb
Jesus Appears on the Emmaus Road
Jesus Appears to Thomas
Jesus Appears in Galilee
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
John\'s Vision of Heaven
Order one per student.