Growing In Christ Sunday School: Nursery Roll Packet (#411050)

by Anchor
SKU: 190588
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The Growing in Christ Nursery Roll packet offers your church the opportunity to share with families of small children the biblical and age-appropriate ways to talk to their children about Jesus.

When a child is baptized, your church sets aside a Nursery Roll packet especially for that child. Periodically - for the first three years of the child\'s life - a designated person in the church sends the family materials from the packet to nurture the child\'s spiritual, emotional, and physical development.

The Growing in Christ Nursery Roll packet contains:

• 13-month growth calendar with stickers
o Help parents keep track of all the important “firsts” in their child’s life. Each month lists information like what a child needs from the parents, and what the parents can expect from their child.

• Music CD
o These 41 songs are fun to sing, useful at bed time, aid in memorizing Bible words and the Catechism, and help to give thanks before a meal.

• Bible story booklet
o Contains 14 Bible stories along with helpful parent tips and prayers.

• Twelve brochures for parents
o Full of information for mom and dad about their child at various ages.

• Four postcards
o Use these to celebrate special birthday and baptism milestones.

The packet contains a suggested schedule over the 3 years to guide when the materials should be delivered to the child and family.

Order one packet per child.