Gods Lamp: Mans Light

by Anchor
SKU: 047940
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This is an in-depth probe of the Biblical account, history, and symbolism of the Menorah (lampstand) that God instructed Moses to place in the Wilderness Tabernacle. The book discusses both the Lamp of God (menorah) as the Light of The World, which is a major symbol of the Royal Messiah, and the Menorah\'s symbolism as the Tree of Life.

About the Author
John D. Garr, Ph.D., is founder and president of Hebraic Christian Global Community, an international, transdenominational, multiethnic networking organization that serves as a publishing and educational resource to the Christian church. An academician with a pastor\'s heart, Dr. Garr both informs and inspires believers for biblically sound, Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of the faith of Jesus and the apostles.