Girl Soldier

by Anchor
SKU: 444214
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SUBTITLE: A Story of Hope for Northern Uganda\'s Children

More than 30,000 children have been kidnapped in Uganda. Now one of them has a voice.

When Grace Akallo was fifteen years old, rebels from the Lord\'s Resistance Army raided her school. Thus began her nightmarish existence as one of northern Uganda\'s thousands of child soldiers. Forced to endure savagery, starvation, abuse and other horrors with only her faith to sustain her, Grace eventually escaped to share her story with the world.

Faith McDonnell is an American activist and writer with a special concern for the future of the vulnerable Acholi people of northern Uganda. In Girl Soldier, Grace\'s personal account and Faith\'s historical and spiritual insights are woven together to tell the story of Uganda\'s forgotten children. Be inspired by this heartfelt account and moved to do your part in making sure that these children will not be forgotten.

Faith J. H. McDonnell has worked at the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington DC since 1993. As director of the Religious Liberty Program and the Church Alliance for a New Sudan, she writes frequently and speaks widely on the subject of the persecuted church. Faith and her husband, Francis, and their daughter live in Annandale, Virginia.

Grace Akallo, the former girl soldier, has testified before the U.S. Congress, worked for World Vision in Washington DC, and had her story told on Oprah and in The Washington Post. She currently attends Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts.