Favorite Bible Children (Ages 2-3)

by Anchor
SKU: 99875X
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Throughout the Bible there are numerous examples of children and young people making a difference. The Lord Himself chose to come to earth as a baby. What better way to teach children about God than to use other children as examples! The crafts, games, puzzles and activities in Favorite Bible Children are designed to let kids know that they can be instruments of God. Each activity includes: Bible child\'s name or identifier, lesson title highlighting a Bible story, Scripture reference for the Bible story, memory verse, materials list, step-by-step instructions and a short lesson. These crafts and activities focus on a few of the children whose stories are recorded in the Bible. It was because these children were willing to be used by God and were obedient to Him that God was able to do great things through them. Your young students are just starting to learn about God. Use Favorite Bible Children to teach them that no matter how young they are, God can effectively use them.