Entering Into The Promise: Joshua Through 1 & 2 Samuel

by Anchor
SKU: 076800
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What the Bible Is All About Study Guides for small group and individual study give readers the big picture of God?s plan of the ages laid out from Genesis to Revelation and show how Jesus is revealed on every page of Scripture. Through 12 sessions of study, they offer trustworthy, proven biblical content, including background commentary, lesson aims for groups, leader?s guide and tips, and much more.Entering into the Promise gives readers a strategic view of the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1-2 Samuel and shows how the Lord faithfully brought His people into the Promised Land and into all His promises for them. Readers will learn how God will bring us into the promises He has for our lives, and also about trusting and obeying God and how God shows His faithfulness.