DVD-Veggie Tales: Heroes Of The Bible: A Baby A Quest And The Wild, Wild West

by Anchor
SKU: 883599
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This brand-new collection of three favorite VeggieTales Bible adventures brings the stories of Joseph, Moses and Miriam to life for kids of all ages! Featuring \The Ballad of Little Joe,\ \Moe and the Big Exit,\ and \Babysitter In De-Nile,\ this collection teaches lessons in facing hardship, following directions and loving your family.

THE BALLAD OF LITTLE JOE: In this retelling of Joseph and his coat of many colors, little Joe (Larry the Cucumber) and his rootin’ tootin’ French pea brothers venture from an abandoned mineshaft to Dodgeball City – with Little Joe’s faith being tested every step of the way! It’s a Wild West yarn that teaches us to keep the faith when facing hardship because God can work all things for good!

MOE AND THE BIG EXIT: This Western version of the Exodus finds Moe (Larry the Cucumber) as a cowboy living high on the hog in Dodgeball City while his kinfolk are forced to dig the Grand Canyon. When Moe asks the heartless mayor to let his people go, he refuses and a heap of trouble comes to town. Can Moe help free his people from bondage and flee Dodgeball City once and for all? Saddle up for a Bible adventure with a lesson in following directions!

BABY SITTER IN DE-NILE: Miriam (Laura Carrot) doesn’t enjoy baby-sitting her little brother Moses but when she learns that the Egyptians want to take all the baby boys in town, she realizes she loves him too much to let him go! As she develops a clever plan to keep him safe, kids will learn a valuable lesson in loving their family.

Bonus Features

- Making a Western Moe

- Little Joe Interactive Storybook

- How to Draw Little Joe, Moe & Miriam

- Interactive Western Duds Game

- Veggie Trivia