DVD-Living in Christ's Presence: Final Words On Heaven And The Kingdom

by Anchor
SKU: 110377
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\Eternal Life Begins Now.\ This is the title of Dallas Willard\'s opening message at the February 2013 Dallas Willard Center \Knowing Christ Today\ conference in Santa Barbara, California. The series of seven talks explores what it means to live well now in light of God\'s kingdom. In this seven-hour, two-disc video presentation, Willard reflects on the state of the university, the meaning of knowledge, the importance of spiritual disciplines and more. Three of the sessions are taught by John Ortberg, who also serves as a conversation partner with Willard after each session. In the final session they explore what it means for us to offer a blessing to one another. You will also find a rich gift of grace in these timely videos of Dallas Willard\'s final lectures.