DVD-Joshua The Movie

by Anchor
SKU: 530598
Sold out
Rated G--90 minutes
A man arrives in a small town. At first, no one knows his name; no one knows where he came from. He\'s strong. He\'s smart. He\'s \easy on the eyes.\ The locals want to call him a stranger, but when they meet him, he makes them feel quite the opposite - like they\'ve known him their whole lives.

Joshu\'s name grows in the hearts and minds of young and old. Joshua\'s name falls on the lips of Maggie, the pretty local girl-turned-news anchorwoman. It reaches Kevin, a troubled teen searching for his place in the world. Joshua\'s name reassures Joan, a housewife trying to put passion back into her marriage, and it reaches into the soul of a revival tent preacher to pull out a lifetime of shame.

Joshua is seemingly everywhere at once, making the kind of impression that few have ever felt. But it is exactly this influence that creates a division between the stubbornly orthodox Father Tardone and the well-meaning but less-than-confident Father Pat, two priests who believe very strongly in the same thing, but in very different ways. When the charismatic stranger sets his sights on re-building the burnt down Baptist church, it comes as little surprise that many in the town, regardless of their faith, lend a hand. But what ends up getting built back up are each of their lives, their hearts, their trust in themselves and each other. Joshua has shown them how to believe. Especially Father Pat. And that draws the scrutiny of Father Tardone, who is not pleased with Joshua and his hold over the community.

\Deep in the hearts of so many people, there\'s an emptiness that nothing in this world can fill,\ Joshua admits, and this is especially true for the seasoned pastor. When the reluctant priest finally recognizes the way, finally says the word through a whisper and a tear, it comes with the force of a revelation. \Joshua.\ It is an exclamation of faith, a declaration of love and the realization that hope indeed does have a name.