DVD-Deep Blue Kids: Adventure DVD Fall 2018 (Ages 3-10)

by Anchor
SKU: 153155
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This fully animated DVD adds a splash of fun to Deep Blue sessions!

Deep Blue Connects: At Home with God helps families grow in faith together as children take what they\'ve learned in Sunday school and dive deeper into the stories at home with their families. Children will explore families in the Bible, learn how today\'s faith families care for children as they grow, build loving relationships, and find out what it means to be part of God\'s family!

Today\'s media-savvy kids will be hooked by these engaging, animated videos! Featuring Deep Blue characters Asia, Edgar, Caleb, and Kat, each video segment tells a story through the kids\' point of view. There are also music videos and Bible story quizzes for even more fun! For ages 3-10.

The Deep Blue Adventure DVD tells 13 Bible stories in a unique and entertaining way. Each volume also includes three music-and-movement videos plus the theme song, as well as monthly Bible verses with sign-language demonstrations.