DVD-Alpha Film Series

by Anchor
SKU: 178735
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The Alpha Film Series is emotive and epic in scale and scope. The crew have been all around the world, filming in Canada, the UK, France, India, Hong Kong, Israel, and New York. Nicky Gumbel and two new presenters walk us through the Alpha material in a way that everyone can relate to.  The episodes feature inspiring stories and interviews, as well as visual illustrations and motion graphics. This is a product re-imagined for the next generation.  The Alpha Film Series covers all the traditional Alpha content. There are sixteen episodes of fifteen sessions (30 minutes each) and one introduction to the Alpha day/weekend (10 minutes), as well as two training videos (30 minutes each).Includes English subtitles. Alpha is based on a pattern found in the New Testament of people bringing their friends, family, and work colleagues to meet Jesus. Alpha is an easy way to say to friends, \Come and see, come and explore your questions, come and hear about Jesus, come and see for yourself.\ Everyone is welcome at Alpha, but the program is designed especially for people who would not describe themselves as Christians or church-goers.