Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Makers Of The Modern Theological Mind)

by Anchor
SKU: 066496
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) has influenced the entire post-World War II era with his life and legacy. Executed in a Nazi concentration camp, he has attained international recognition and fame. His prison experience resulted in writings focused on contemporary and future challenges facing the Christian church. For him, a Christian was called to participate in the suffering of God in the secular life, to be \a person for others.\ \Who is Christ for us today?\ was his insistent question.
Interest in Bonhoeffer remains at a high peak. This volume by Dallas Roark shows how Bonhoeffer has influenced both conservative and liberal wings of Christianity as well as secularists, and how he remains a source of inspiration for all Christians who suffer under oppressive political regimes.

About the Makers of the Modern Theological Mind series: Who are the thinkers that have shaped Christian theology in our time? This series tries to answer that question by providing a reliable guide to the ideas of the men who have significantly charted the theological seas of our century. Each major theologian is examined carefully and critically--his life, his theological method, his most germinal ideas, his weaknesses as a thinker, his place in the theological spectrum, and his chief contribution to the climate of theology today. Welcome to the series.