Crown Her A King Book 1: Cancerous Chaldee

by Anchor
SKU: 113646
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Have you felt like there is something wrong with the church at large, but you just can’t put your finger on it? To heal a cancerous condition one must first get an accurate diagnosis and then execute a strategic plan of attack. “With refreshing optimism and not a hint of the feminist Jezebel spirit, Susan invites us to travel with her as she discovers more of God’s plan for women, His Church and indeed, the world. In what could potentially be a divisive presentation, Susan’s sweet spirit and sincere humility make her message easy to receive, as does her passionate love for Christ and His Church which come shining through on every page.… Filled with hope, faith and contagious enthusiasm, Susan inspires us to live in God’s original design for both men and women—taking dominion together over the earth, bringing God’s supernatural Kingdom to our everyday lives by ruling and reigning with Him…. You will come away with a fresh understanding of familiar Scriptures. You will find peace from the tension and questions you’ve had about women in ministry and leadership.