Call To Wonder

by Anchor
SKU: 499946
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Jesus encourages us to become like children in order to inherit God\'s Kingdom. Childlike faith is not an option. R. C. Sproul Jr. explores in depth what it means to accept Jesus\' invitation to practice a childlike faith. As the father of eight children, R. C. Sproul Jr. watches how his own children approach every day, buoyed by trust, hope, and joy. Through their eyes, the world is fresh and brand-new. Everything is an invitation to express astonishment and wonder at the great gift of life--and, the great Giver. \The Call to Wonder\ is an invitation to rest in childlike joy and peace built on a deep trust in the living God. Like a child, you, too, can rest in God\'s almighty arms and gasp at the fireworks of his glory exploding around you every day in his creation.