Birthed In Prayer

by Anchor
SKU: 039943
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Among the scores of books written for expectant mothers, almost none recognize pregnancy as the spiritually exciting, challenging time that it is. The authors of Birthed in Prayer understand that the mother is formed and transformed by these nine months almost as much as is the baby! Through lively storytelling and thoughtful questions, they invite the mother-to-be to explore the emotional and physical changes of pregnancy as part of her lifelong movement into faith and wholeness. Their own insights are magnified by wisdom from scripture, from dozens of expectant mothers, and from sages such as Parker Palmer and Flora Slosson Wuellner.

This book moves readers through the spiritual disciplines of paying attention, releasing old attitudes and lifestyles while opening to new; and learning to change and be changed by the creative process going on inside them. Birthed in Prayer is a practical guide to the divine mystery in one of life’s most ordinary miracles.

“We believe that pregnancy can be a God-given ‘stopping point’; an opportunity to reflect on our lives, our values and our relationship; to re-evaluate our choices and priorities and to make some adjustments. Even more importantly, pregnancy can be an opportunity to draw closer to God and to encounter God in a new way.” (Intro, pp. 1-2).