Audio CD-What Life Would Be Like

by Anchor
SKU: 882622
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Big Daddy Weave has long been known for their poignant messages and words of encouragement through song and lyric. Songs like “Every Time I Breathe”, “Let It Rise”, and “Audience Of One” deeply resonate with audiences and have had a lasting impact on listeners. Their latest release What Life Would Be Like dials up the intensity and asks the church body to step back and evaluate what a life with Jesus’ influence would look like in the full spectrum of living. Not that the members of Big Daddy Weave have it all together, but it’s an encouragement to step out together, to fail together, to link arms together and witness the masterpiece God desires to paint through each one of us. In an effort to make such a ripple in the kingdom, Big Daddy Weave is setting out with World Vision to raise 1 million dollars for people in need all over the world. With the purchase of What Life Would Be Like or the World vision t-shirt, each and every person can help make a tangible difference… just imagine what life would be like. HELP BIG DADDY WEAVE RAISE 1 MILLION DOLLARS! Customers will be able to take a small step towards changing lives in impoverished countries with the purchase of every Big Daddy Weave CD or World Vision t-shirt. With every purchase of Big Daddy Weave’s \What Life Would Be Like\ $14 is given to meet the basic needs of people in Ecuador and around the world. Retailers: All CD’s and World Vision t-shirts are subject to grant match, thank you for your support of this great undertaking
You Found Me
2. What Life Would Be Like
3. We Want the World to Hear
4. Revive Us Again
5. Blue Skies
6. Another day in Paradise
7. Right With You
8. Falling With You
9. From Here
10. Just Like Somebody Else