A Simplified Life

by Anchor
SKU: 178734
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A Simplified Life will be a strategic next step for women who are followers and fans of Emily Ley, creator of the Simplified Planner and author of Grace, Not Perfection, as well as new readers who are looking for ways to simplify and live more strategically and intentionally. This follow-up book offers readers tangible and attainable ways to achieve a fulfilling and simplified life by ridding themselves of life\'s endless clutter-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual-so they can focus time and energy on the things that matter most and use their God-given gifts to help others and bring joy to their days.

Emily Ley has made a huge impact through her wildly popular Simplified Planner and with her first book, Grace, Not Perfection. With more than 80,000 copies of her first book sold in the first two months, Emily has become a trusted resource and lifestyle guru as well as a major media darling. Building on her proven branding and message, as well as on the structure and simplicity readers get from the Simplified Planner, A Simplified Life offers expanded tools, tips, resources, and inspiration for nearly every area of a woman\'s life. This book will go deeper with tools to help readers plan and simplify and will include complementary photos and beautiful design. Topics include: Simplified Space, Simplified Style, Simplified Eating, Simplified Schedule, Simplified Finances, Simplified Hospitality, Simplified Tech, Simplified Mind, Simplified Self, and Simplified Faith.

A Simplified Life will meet a huge felt need among consumers as they look for ways to prioritize. Printed on luxe wood-free paper great for writing down ideas, A Simplified Life will be a resource readers look forward to using while doing the hard but satisfying work of simplifying their lives. This will be a wonderful self-purchase or beautiful gift for a loved one.

With the overwhelming popularity of simplification and intentionality, an inspirational book like A Simplified Life that helps women clear their spaces and minds and simplify with intention and purpose seems to be a perfect fit for Emily\'s followers and our current market and culture. A Simplified Life has the power to go viral as women discover the life-changing power of simplifying.