
Meeting God (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Meeting God (LifeGuide Bible Study)


His majesty will fill your thoughts. His love will soften your heart. His holiness will purify your life.When you meet God, you will be changed.Mee...

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Meeting Jesus (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Meeting Jesus (LifeGuide Bible Study)


Once you\'ve met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your...

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Meeting The Spirit (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Meeting The Spirit (LifeGuide Bible Study)


Who is the Holy Spirit? How does he change our lives? How does he work in the world? In ten sessions Douglas Connelly helps you examine these and o...

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Men and Women In The Church
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Men and Women In The Church


Avoiding the pitfalls of both radical feminism and reactionary conservatism, Sarah Sumner traces a new path through the thicket of issues--biblical...

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Mending The Divides
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Mending The Divides


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Mere Science And Christian Faith

Mere Science And Christian Faith


Many Christians have been brought up under the assumption that mainstream science is incompatible with genuine Christian faith—so when they see com...

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Message Of Acts
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Message Of Acts


The Spirit moves the church into the world. What can the book of Acts tell us about how the church should operate today? John Stott describes the S...

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Message Of Hebrews
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Message Of Hebrews


Times were hard for the first readers of the letter to the Hebrews. Many had been exposed to fierce persecution. They had been assaulted, their hom...

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Message Of Holiness (Bible Speaks Today)
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Message Of Holiness (Bible Speaks Today)


Book Summary of The Message Of HolinessChristians universally agree they aspire to holiness, but to what, really, are they aspiring? Derek Tidball ...

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Message Of The Church (Bible Speaks Today)
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Message Of The Church (Bible Speaks Today)


The Bible begins and ends with God dwelling with his people--from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the great multitude in the New Jerusalem. A...

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Message Of The Person Of Christ (Bible Speaks Today)
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Message Of The Person Of Christ (Bible Speaks Today)


A new volume in the Bible Speaks Today Series, this book offers an exposition of the Lord and Savior central to the biblical narrative of God\'s plan.

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Message Of The Word Of God (Bible Speaks Today)
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Message Of The Word Of God (Bible Speaks Today)


\Any coherent comment on what the Bible says about the Bible, the Christian Scriptures,\ says Tim Meadowcroft, \must address the wider notion that ...

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Mind For God
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Mind For God


To be fully human is to think. The apostle Paul calls us to \ ake captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ\ (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emer...

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Ministry By The Book
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Ministry By The Book


Focusing on pastoral leadership within local churches or groups of churches, Derek Tidball provides a comprehensive survey of these models and patt...

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Ministry In The Digital Age
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Ministry In The Digital Age


\Christianity is fundamentally a communication event. It is God revealing God\'s self to the world. And God uses a large variety of media to accomp...

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Miracle Work
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Miracle Work


We should not be surprised when miraculous things happen in our midst.Still, many of us are intimidated at the thought of miracles, and we stop sho...

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Miracles (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Miracles (LifeGuide Bible Study)


Most of us could use a miracle. Some physical condition, relationship problem or financial crisis we struggle with could be fixed rather quickly wi...

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Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes
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Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes


Biblical scholars O\'Brien and Richards identify nine key areas where Western readers tend to make significantly different cultural assumptions abo...

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Missional Orthodoxy
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Missional Orthodoxy


The emerging and missional church movements have raised decisive questions about what it means to embody the Christian faith in a post-Christian an...

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Missional Quest: Becoming A Church Of The Long Run
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Missional Quest: Becoming A Church Of The Long Run


We often mistake church for a fixed place where isolated individuals show up, consume a Christian message, drink some coffee and get on with their ...

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Missional Spirituality
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Missional Spirituality


If all of the earth is God\'s domain, why are Christians so terribly provincial? We rarely leave our church buildings, and our spirituality rarely ...

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Money & Work (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Money & Work (LifeGuide Bible Study)


Money and work: just the words themselves can cause anxiety. But God, who \gives us richly all things to enjoy,\ wants his people to live in freedo...

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More Than Enchanting
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More Than Enchanting


Women have always wielded enormous influence, whether in our homes, jobs, communities, or churches. But as we lean into those God-given opportuniti...

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As the one called by God to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses faced some significant challenges: a stubborn ruler, a fierce army, a vast desert t...

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Motherhood (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Motherhood (LifeGuide Bible Study)


As you learn to rest in your identity as his beloved, you\'ll be empowered to love your children with his love.

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Movies Are Prayers
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Movies Are Prayers


Movies do more than tell a good story. Filmspotting cohost Josh Larsen brings a critic\'\'s unique perspective to how movies can act as prayers?exp...

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Multicultural Ministry Handbook
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Multicultural Ministry Handbook


David Anderson and Margarita Cabellon bring together an experienced team of practitioners to share best practices for multicultural ministry. Drawi...

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My Heart Christ's Home-Retold For Children (Pack of 5) (Pkg-5)
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My Heart Christ's Home-Retold For Children (Pack of 5) (Pkg-5)


This is Peter\'s amazing story of a week spent with Jesus. He enjoys being with Jesus and sharing his activities with him. But then Peter is faced ...

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Myth Of The Non-Christian
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Myth Of The Non-Christian


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Names Of God (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Names Of God (LifeGuide Bible Study)


\God of glory.\\The God Who Provides.\\Holy One.\God is called by many names in Scripture--names that highlight specific aspects of his character. ...

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Nehemiah (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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Nehemiah (LifeGuide Bible Study)


Nehemiah was a leader of Israel. He faced opposition and difficulty from every side--even from his own people. Yet he stood against all his enemies...

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New Shape Of World Christianity
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New Shape Of World Christianity


Mark Noll suggests that how Americans have come to practice the Christian faith is just as globally important as what the American church has done ...

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New Testament Characters (LifeGuide Bible Study)
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New Testament Characters (LifeGuide Bible Study)


These twelve lessons on important women in the Old Testament are part of LifeGuide, a popular line of Bible study guides which provide solid biblic...

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No Place For Abuse
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No Place For Abuse


Book Description:Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. Nearly one in four women around the globe is physical...

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No Stones
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No Stones


In this book Marnie C. Ferree offers a unique resource for women struggling with sexual addiction. Written by a counselor who understands the condi...

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Noticing God
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Noticing God


Where is God? How do we encounter God? How do we know it is God we encounter and not some figment of our imagination? Is it possible to know God in...

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