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Road To Ancient Rome School Version CD-ROM
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Road To Ancient Rome School Version CD-ROM

Thomas Klise

The name “Rome” today conjures up images of a cosmopolitan city in Italy. But almost 3,000 years ago, Rome was more than just a city ... it was the...

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Scholastic Classic
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Scholastic Classic

Thomas Klise

Here’s a book bursting with 500 language arts questions designed to be used in a number of different ways. Use the sheets of questions as the basis...

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Scott Fitzgerald
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Scott Fitzgerald

Thomas Klise

“Show me a hero,” Scott Fitzgerald once said, “and I’ll write you a tragedy.” And while Fitzgerald’s life was as heroic as any he ever created for ...

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Settling the American West
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Settling the American West

Thomas Klise

This program that will introduce students to the settling of the American West, from the 17th century when “the West” meant several miles from the ...

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Shakespeare's Plays
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Shakespeare's Plays

Thomas Klise

This program provides a bright and thoughtful analysis of five of Shakespeare’s most important and influential plays: Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo...

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Solving The Mystery Of Maps
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Solving The Mystery Of Maps

Thomas Klise

Students often need a great deal of repeated explanation to grasp firmly the concept of map reading. This two-part set uses sprightly cartoons alon...

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Some Elements of Style: An Introduction to Figures of Speech
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Some Elements of Style: An Introduction to Figures of Speech

Thomas Klise

This program defines the important literary devices of simile, metaphor, paradox, symbolism, alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia. It also off...

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Some Figures of Speech
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Some Figures of Speech

Thomas Klise

This unit seeks to acquaint students with figures of speech and how they work, with definitions of such writing tools as hyperbole, antithesis, iro...

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Speaking of Spelling Lab Pack (5)
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Speaking of Spelling Lab Pack (5)

Thomas Klise

Let’s be honest; spelling can be a real pain in the neck. But it is not a hopeless task, and this program will make spelling easier for learners of...

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Speaking of Spelling School Version CD-ROM
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Speaking of Spelling School Version CD-ROM

Thomas Klise

Let’s be honest; spelling can be a real pain in the neck. But it is not a hopeless task, and this program will make spelling easier for learners of...

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Speaking of Spelling Site License
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Speaking of Spelling Site License

Thomas Klise

Let’s be honest; spelling can be a real pain in the neck. But it is not a hopeless task, and this program will make spelling easier for learners of...

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Steinbeck's Losers
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Steinbeck's Losers

Thomas Klise

The novels of John Steinbeck form an epic to the American loser, and the saga of Steinbeck’s losers is a chronicle of exile and hardship. Out of th...

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Stopping by Woods of Mr. Frost
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Stopping by Woods of Mr. Frost

Thomas Klise

To many, Robert Frost might come across as a lyricist of nature, a 20th century James Russell Lowell. His stubborn traditional form, however, often...

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Survey of English Literature
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Survey of English Literature

Thomas Klise

This magnificent five-part series offers a look at the history of English literature from the 1600s to the 20th century. Through colorful photograp...

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Teacher's Choice Portfolio
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Teacher's Choice Portfolio

Thomas Klise

Give your students the opportunity to turn poems into videotaped productions for classroom viewing. Or assign students to create a large calendar f...

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Terms in Etymology Transparency Program
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Terms in Etymology Transparency Program

Thomas Klise

In this transparency program, we explore the most common terms in the study of etymology … the study of how words are formed. Each transparency def...

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The 1930s: The Depression: America’s Dark Age
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The 1930s: The Depression: America’s Dark Age

Thomas Klise

The 1930s dawned under the gray, depressive cloud caused by the 1929 stock market crash, a cloud that was to linger most of the decade. This unit e...

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The Abolitionist Movement
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The Abolitionist Movement

Thomas Klise

By 1840, there were more than five hundred abolitionist groups in America, including as members statesmen like Washington and Jefferson and poets l...

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The American Bill of Rights
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The American Bill of Rights

Thomas Klise

This informative production analyzes the Bill of Rights, that most magnificent of American documents, as the formal declaration of American rights ...

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The American Colonies
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The American Colonies

Thomas Klise

This production highlights the fascinating beginnings of the original thirteen colonies, from the establishment of Jamestown, VIrginia in 1607, to ...

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The American Revolution
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The American Revolution

Thomas Klise

The Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775 Ñ the first battles of the American Revolution Ñ came after a dozen years of bad feeling betwe...

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The Civil War
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The Civil War

Thomas Klise

This magnificent introduction to the Civil War explores the chronology, politics, and economics of the war of 2,000 battles. It characterizes the U...

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The Declaration of Indepedence
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The Declaration of Indepedence

Thomas Klise

This unit explains the history behind the Declaration of Independence and illuminates the beauty of its words. The first half of the production est...

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The Economics Game -- Capitalism in the United States
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The Economics Game -- Capitalism in the United States

Thomas Klise

The rise of capitalism in the United States occurred when immigration and increasing prosperity created seemingly endless markets for goods and ser...

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