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Lesson Booster Elementary Series

Lesson Booster Elementary Series

Regular price $149.95 USD
Regular price $149.95 USD Sale price $149.95 USD
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Angry? Catch Your Anger - In this information-packed program children learn safe and appropriate ways to handle anger. Simple strategies such as counting to 10 gives you a chance to cool off. Just Walk AwayChildren learn that recognizing their angry feelings is the first step towards handling anger. Students understand that they can be in charge when they‰۪re able to ‰ÛÏcatch‰۝ their angry feelings and walk away from a situationthat is making them feel angry inside.Stop and Think‰ÛÏStop and think‰۝ is a simple strategy introduced to children. Viewers learn how ‰ÛÏstop and think‰۝ can help them control their angry feelings. Relax and Take A Break - In this segment, viewers are shown how walking away from a frustrating situation and relaxing can help them feel. Got A Problem?Keep Your Hands to Yourself - In this segment children learn that hitting and poking does not solve problems, but can make the problems worse. Viewers see how using your words and talking about the problem can lead to a safe and happy solution.Ask QuestionsThis segment of the program gives viewers strategies to use when they face a problem. Children will learn that making assumptions and blaming makes other people angry and makes problems worse. Viewers discover how asking questions can help solve a problem before it begins.Share IdeasChildren learn that when you encounter a problem, you can come up with ideas to solve the problem. Viewers will also see that there may be many ideas that can solve a problem and you can work to find a solution that makes everyone happy. *PARENTAL CAUTION: This Lesson Booster series is intended for counseling and guidance programs, and includes scenes which depict real life situations about peer pressure, anger, bullying, and mild violence. This is done solely for dramatic effect in order to help teach students how to control their emotions in a school setting.

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