Inspired To Pray

by Anchor
SKU: 248113
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In this powerful and motivating book, international pastor Phil Pringle invites readers to activate their spiritual lives by understanding prayer as a journey to the highest places of God. He sees prayer as an \art,\ a craft to be developed and nurtured. Prayer is much more than muttering religious words; it is a connection with the God of heaven Himself. Too often, believers fail to bridge the gap between earth and heaven, but active prayer releases the spirit into communion with God in another world: His world. As readers grow, they will draw close to a loving God who desires relationship with all who are made in His image. Moreover, when we pray in close contact with God, we see greater results on earth and in our lives. Pringle appeals to the imagination and the soul, and all who engage with these visionary teachings will discover a new dimension to the act and the art of prayer.