The Lost Is Found Video On Interactive DVD
The Lost Is Found Video On Interactive DVD
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Available with both English and Spanish Language and Audio.
"'What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?'" ‰ÛÒ Matthew 18: 12 (NIV)Weaving together several New Testament stories (including the Parable of the Lost Coin, the Parable of the Lost Sheep, and the Parable of the Two Debtors), The Lost is FoundåÊ Bible video shows how Jesus generously extends His mercy to each sinner and lovingly forgives the repentant.Those men and women who recognize their ownsins often rejoice that Jesus Christ would want to help anyone who islost. Three such sinners‰ÛÓMathew the publican, Miriam the harlot, and asick man named Jonah‰ÛÓall came to Jesus in need of hope, healing andforgiveness. Main Characters:Jesus, Miriam, Jonah and MatthewScriptural References:Matthew 9:1-13; Matthew 18: 12-13; Mark 2: 1-17; Luke 5: 17-31Overall Theme:Jesus uses the lives of Miriam, Jonah and Matthew along with the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep to show how mercy, forgiveness and love are generously extended to all sinners.åÊ One sinner‰۪s repentance is rejoiced by many.Summary:The Lost is Found is the story of three sinners, Miriam the harlot, Jonah, a sick man, and Matthew the publican.åÊ The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are weaved into these three stories to show forgiveness for all sinners who repent. The video opens with Miriam working in a pub as a waitress and harlot.åÊ She is trapped in this life due to debt and guilt.åÊ A letter comes from her brother, Jonah, to the house of a scribe.åÊ The scribe reads the letter which tells of her brother‰۪s expected death.åÊ The scribe does not invite Miriam inside his house because he believes a sinner should not enter the house of the righteous.åÊ He goes to Miriam in the streets to offer her ten coins so that she might start a new life. The parable of the lost coin is weaved into the story of Miriam as she loses one coin, and all rejoice when the coin is found.åÊ Miriam tries to escape her life only to be betrayed. The video moves to the story of Jonah.åÊ He is lying sick in a bed and cannot be moved, so his friends carry him on his bed to see Jesus.åÊ They have heard of Jesus‰۪ many miracles.åÊ Once they are at the home where Jesus is teaching, the crowd will not allow them to enter.åÊ The friends climb up on the roof and lower the bed with Jonah down into the house through an opening in the roof. Jesus knows of the faith of Jonah and his friendsåÊ and forgives Jonah of his sins. The teachers in the home think Jesus is committing blasphemy by forgiving sins. Jesus asks the teachers which is more difficult, to forgive sins or to tell the sick man to rise, take your bed and walk?åÊ In order to show that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins. Jesus tells Jonah to rise, take his bed and walk.åÊ Jonah does as commanded by Jesus and thanks Him for his forgiveness.åÊ Jonah and his friends rejoice.åÊ Jonah leaves to find his sister, Miriam, and tell her of the miracle and the forgiveness of Jesus. The last story is of Matthew and the tax collectors. Jesus invites Matthew to follow him.åÊ Matthew follows Jesus and invites the tax collectors to his house to meet Jesus at a great feast.åÊ Some teachers cannot believe that Jesus, a holy man, eats with sinners. One teacher goes up to the home and asks to see Jesus. When the teacher is inside, Jesus knows of his question and tells him that the doctor goes to the sick, and He goes to the sinners.åÊ The video ends with the parable of the lost sheep.åÊ This parable is weaved into the story of Jonah trying to find his sister, Miriam.åÊ After many hardships, the boy shepherd finds his lost sheep, and Jonah finds his lost sister.åÊ Jonah tries to persuade his sister to go and see Jesus.åÊ At first she refuses because she thinks of her many sins.åÊ While Jesus was having dinner at the home of a scribe whom questions Jesus actions, Miriam appears and washes Jesus‰۪ feet with oils and her hair.åÊ As she is crying and worshiping Jesus, the scribe wonders why Jesus does not rebuke her. Jesus tells the story of the debtors who were forgiven by the lender, and how they loved their lender for forgiving them. Miriam‰۪s faith saved her, and her sins were forgiven. In the end, Miriam is seen traveling to Jonah‰۪s home, free of the pub owner, and they rejoice together. Background:Since the beginning of Jesus‰۪ earthly ministry, people have struggled to understand Him.åÊ Those that recognize their own sins often wonder why Jesus would want to help anyone so lost.åÊ Through stories and parables the lesson of how all sinners may repent and receive forgiveness is taught.åÊ Every lost person is important to Jesus and the angels rejoice when just one sinner repents. BONUS Resource & Activity BooksEach interactive DVD includes a 64-page Resource & Activity Book full of skill-developing activities, word games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more! Provides hours of fun and learning for the entire family! The special "Certificate of Achievement" located in the back of the book serves as an excellent award your child can display after completing the activities.DVD Chapter Index: Little Mercy for Sinners The Power to Forgive Matthew, Follow Me A New Life for Miriam Healing the Sick in Spirit Ten Pieces of Silver Trapped! "The Lost is Found" Go unto Jesus The Proud and the Humble Two Debtors Closing CreditsPrinciples and Values Taught in This VideoForgiveness, Love, Mercy, Repentance, Acceptance, Faith, Friendship, Joy, and Service. Parables in This Video:* The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Matt 18:12-14 * The Parable of the Two Debtors - Luke 7:41-47 * The Parable of the Lost Money - Luke 15:8-10 Click here to see other parables of Jesus in The Animated Stories from the New Testament series.